- Vitamin D enhances muscle recovery after intense exercise and can aid recovery from infections including Influenza and Covid-19.
- Vitamin E attenuates exercise induced muscle damage and inflammatory response during and after exercise, whilst enhancing immune function (which deteriorates after intense exercise) and reduces risk of infection.
- Creatine Monohydrate increases muscle gain up to twice as much when training and increases water retention within the muscle.
- Creatine also enhances strength, power, speed, size and muscle mass.
- Beta Alanine reduces acidity in active muscles during high intensity exercise.
- Magnesium enhances recovery of blood glucose and muscle soreness after strenuous exercise.
- Prevents Iron and Zinc deficiency, which is associated with diminished physical performance. Iron supplementation increases endurance performance at submaximal and maximal intensities.
- Magnesium enhances glucose availability in brain, muscles and blood which improves exercise performance.
- Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) benefits endurance exercise performance and improves aerobic condition.
- Potassium aids the reduction of blood pressure and hypertension.
- Electrolytes are charged vitamins and minerals which are present in body fluids including blood, sweat and urine. They play a key role in essential processes such as muscle function, fluid balance and nerve pathways. Neuroptimax Pro replenishes the key electrolytes: sodium, magnesium and potassium to aid re-hydration after exercise.
- Creatine protects against dehydration by drawing more water into cells and increasing water retention. Meaning you will get the key electrolytes and be able to retain them with the presence of creatine in the drink.
- Barker, T., Schneider, E.D., Dixon, B.M., Henriksen, V.T. and Weaver, L.K., 2013. Supplemental vitamin D enhances the recovery in peak isometric force shortly after intense exercise. Nutrition & metabolism, 10(1), pp.1-10.
- Rawson, E.S., Miles, M.P. and Larson-Meyer, D.E., 2018. Dietary supplements for health, adaptation, and recovery in athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28(2), pp.188-199.
- Grant, W.B., Lahore, H., McDonnell, S.L., Baggerly, C.A., French, C.B., Aliano, J.L. and Bhattoa, H.P., 2020. Evidence that vitamin D supplementation could reduce risk of influenza and COVID-19 infections and deaths. Nutrients, 12(4), p.988.
- Chou, C.C., Sung, Y.C., Davison, G., Chen, C.Y. and Liao, Y.H., 2018. Short-term high-dose vitamin C and E supplementation attenuates muscle damage and inflammatory responses to repeated taekwondo competitions: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. International journal of medical sciences, 15(11), p.1217.
- Lewis, E.D., Meydani, S.N. and Wu, D., 2019. Regulatory role of vitamin E in the immune system and inflammation. IUBMB life, 71(4), pp.487-494.
- Kass, L.S. and Poeira, F., 2015. The effect of acute vs chronic magnesium supplementation on exercise and recovery on resistance exercise, blood pressure and total peripheral resistance on normotensive adults. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 12(1), pp.1-8.
- Steward, C.J., Zhou, Y., Keane, G., Cook, M.D., Liu, Y. and Cullen, T., 2019. One week of magnesium supplementation lowers IL-6, muscle soreness and increases post-exercise blood glucose in response to downhill running. European journal of applied physiology, 119(11), pp.2617-2627.
- Marshall, T. and Henricks, C., 2017. The next generation in brain recovery and neuroregeneration. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 22(2), pp.44-47.
- Zhang, Y., Xun, P., Wang, R., Mao, L. and He, K., 2017. Can magnesium enhance exercise performance?. Nutrients, 9(9), p.946.
- Culbertson, J.Y., Kreider, R.B., Greenwood, M. and Cooke, M., 2010. Effects of beta-alanine on muscle carnosine and exercise performance: a review of the current literature. Nutrients, 2(1), pp.75-98.
- Bassinello, D., de Salles Painelli, V., Dolan, E., Lixandrão, M., Cajueiro, M., de Capitani, M., Saunders, B., Sale, C., Artioli, G.G., Gualano, B. and Roschel, H., 2019. Beta-alanine supplementation improves isometric, but not isotonic or isokinetic strength endurance in recreationally strength-trained young men. Amino acids, 51(1), pp.27-37.
- McClung, J.P., 2019. Iron, zinc, and physical performance. Biological trace element research, 188(1), pp.135-139.
- López-Román, F.J., Ávila-Gandía, V., Contreras-Fernández, C.J., Luque-Rubia, A.J. and Villegas-García, J.A., 2019. Effect of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on differences of endurance exercise performance in competitive and non-competitive male cyclists. Gazz. Med. Ital. Arch. Sci. Med, 178, pp.411-416.
- Kwak, Y.S. and Lim, S.Y., 2018. The combined impacts of docosahexaenoic acid, endurance physical exercise, and prolonged fasting on brain function. Journal of exercise rehabilitation, 14(4), p.540.
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine increases cholinergic synaptic transmission and enhances learning capacity.
- Essential neuronutrients vitamin B12 (cobalamin), vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) improve psychological performance and reduce the effects of tiredness and fatigue.
- Vitamin B3 (niacin) contributes to memory and mental clarity.
- Magnesium and Zinc supports the maintenance of the cognitive function of the brain.
- Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), zinc, iodine and magnesium enhance cognitive functioning, contributing to quick decision making in the heat of the moment.
- Replenishes creatine in the brain, which is reduced under stress, allowing your brain to perform at optimal when under stress and contribute to decision making, reaction and thought processes.
- Counter the negative effects of stressors such as stress of competing, fatigue, lack of sleep, and challenging environmental conditions and/or travel.
- Iron and Zinc are strong contributors to mental performance during training, competition and business.
- Enhances brain performance by providing optimal hydration through critical electrolytes.
- DHA is essential to maintain optimal function of the cognition and the visual system.
- Magnesium and Zinc are cofactors in more than 600 chemical reactions and are essential for neuronal processes.
As a food supplement, mix one scoop (10.5g) per 250-300ml of water. Shake well and consume one hour before exercise. For athletes after weigh-in you may increase use up to 2 servings (2 scoops). Do not exceed more than 3 servings (3 scoops) in a 24 hour period. Maintain an adequate state of hydration during use.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescription medication or under medical supervision it is advisable to consult your GP before taking any supplements. Discontinue use and consult a GP if any adverse reactions occur. Do not exceed the stated dose. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from children at all times. NeuroptimaxTM Pro should only be used in conjunction with a balanced and healthy diet. Do not use if seal is broken.
Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA), N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, Co Enzyme Q10, Pea Protein, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Iron, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Iodine.
Reference intake of an average adult (8400kj / 2000kcal). 315g / 30 servings.