Controlling your carbohydrate intake is one of the ways by which you can manage diabetes, sugary foods, starch, some starchy vegetables, dairy foods and some cereals account for most the sources of carbohydrates we ingest into the body. To keep your blood sugar at the recommended levels of 70 to 180mg/DL you need to consume not more than 60g of carbs per meal. Chocolate is a product of cocoa that can be incorporated into your diabetics management meal because it contains little amount of sugar.
Unsweetened cocoa powder is one of the cocoa meals you can add to your diabetic management plan; it comes with less than 50g of carbs and sugar. Cocoa powder contains 0.g, 1.6g and 3.2g of sugar, fiber and carbohydrates respectively. Your available carbohydrate tracking will help you detect how much you are consuming rather than tracking the total carbohydrate you consume a day. A tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder contains 1.6g of carbs; you can add this with some fresh milk and warm water. Instead of adding sugar to your unsweetened cocoa powder, add some sucrose- it doesn’t add any carbohydrates to your diet.
Cocoa brown and dark chocolates have also been found to be useful in the fight against diabetes. Dark chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa, it also contains less carbs and sugar when compared to milk chocolate. A serving of dark chocolate will supply not more170g of calories to your diet, you will also get approximately 13. 8g and 3.3g of carbs and fiber respectively.
Resent researches on mice fed with liquid diets contain polyphenols revealed that polyphenols can actually help in controlling sugar levels. Mice fed with liquid polyphenol supplements were found to have steady blood sugar levels than those not fed with the same quantities of polyphenol supplements over the same period of time. Mice receiving higher amount of polyphenol supplements extracted from cocoa were discovered to a better reduction in their sugar levels- safe sugar levels.
If humans were to consume the same polyphenols that helped mice control their blood sugar levels, researchers suggest that an individual will need to consume around 2.5kg of normal dark chocolate containing the same amount of polyphenols. It is quite sad to know that flavonoid enriched chocolates are not always available and consuming 2.5kg of normal chocolate with will slightly increase your caloric intake.
Consuming unsweetened cocoa powder and dark chocolate in moderation is one of the surest ways of getting low calories and low sugar from your diet aside the fact that dark chocolate contains about 70% cocoa which also contains a substantial amount of polyphenols. Researches on the effect of dark chocolate on diabetes control are still on-going , but there are indications that a breakthrough is near.
Other problem is that each cocoa drink that is found on grocery stores needs honey, sugar, or some other sweetener prior to you may drink it.
Finally, there are some chocolate flavored foods, which fit very comfortably within the diabetic’s diet. Most of the diabetics need to severely limit the chocolate. So, here is one of the few exceptions that I have found is 100 % of pure food, no additives, no chemicals, and whatever. Stay careful since this product is good. Suppose you order this once, ten you aer back for little more. The 6 oz mf serving of the brewed cocoa beans has just 1.5 grams of the carbohydrates. For the diabetics, it is the real treat for them and almost no carbs with the great chocolate flavor and taste.