The Hybrid Champion Strength Workout is a full body workout improving strength, power, and endurance using the sandbag, kettlebell and barbell. This hybrid workout develops maximum strength, functional movements, conditioning, and explosive power simultaneously. Performing the Hybrid Champion Strength Workout will achieve athleticism, functional movements, conditioning, and strength all at once, creating a unique training regimen for accelerated results.
After completing all sandbag exercises in group A, rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 rounds. The same instructions apply to all exercises in group B.
A1: Barbell Bus Driver – 5 rounds x 8 reps each side.
A2: Kettlebell Double Swing – 5 rounds x 12 reps.
A3: KettleBell Double Squat – 5 rounds x 8 reps.
B1: Sandbag Clean to Press – 5 rounds x 8 reps.
B2: Sandbag Rotational Slam – 5 rounds x 5 reps each side.
B3: Sandbag Shouldering Squat – 5 rounds x 5 reps each side.
Workout Created By: John Wolf
Workout Demonstrated By: Taylor Loyd
Equipment Used: Onnit Kettlebells, Onnit Sandbag, Barbell