All great things are built upon a solid foundation and for humans, our bones and skeletal structure is our foundation – keeping them healthy and strong is crucial to our health, quality of life and ability to perform. Yet, as we all know, they are liable to be damaged at any point – a quick turn, a sudden fall or some other kind of impact all have the potential to break, chip or damage our bones. This is especially true for people who live an active lifestyle and research shows that bone-related injuries are the most common type of injury for athletes aged between 25 and 40. Stron Bone is Onnit’s solution to this problem – an intelligently designed mix of strontium, boron and other vitamins, to promote bone strength, encourage the growth of new bone cells and fortify established bone cells for the rigours of athletic competition.

Onnit’s Stron Bone utilises strontium as its principle ingredient, a much-ignored element, which is believed to have the potential to improve bone elasticity, improve the inner structure of our bones and promote bone cell growth. This is borne out by a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which suggests that strontium had the potential to decrease bone fracture risk by up to 41%. This makes Onnit’s Stron Bone Ideal for a plethora of different people –from those involved in contact sports to those who want to slow the aging process and pretty much everyone in between, Onnit’s Stron Bone has the potential to really make a difference to your skeletal health.

Onnit’s Stron Bone is effective as a standalone supplement, although many people find that their results improve, when they use it as a part of Onnit’s Total Human Complete Supplement Pack, an intelligently designed blend of vitamins and minerals that give your body what it needs when it needs it. Stron Bone comes as part of the day pack, ensuring that you have the crucial vitamins and nutrients required to compete at the highest level. Onnit’s Stron Bone also uses several things known to aid bioavailability, ensuring that your body maximises the potential gains from the supplement.

Your skeleton is your athletic foundation – if you want to build muscle, compete in athletic events or simply become more active, then a healthy skeleton is absolutely fundamental. However, some of the things that are required to maintain a healthy skeleton do not feature that often in a traditional western diet. The way to solve this is with an intelligently designed supplement like Onnit’s Stron Bone, which gives you the potential to maximise your potential and perform at your best.


Onnit’s Stron Bone contains a blend of minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are believed to aid in the formation, maintenance and repair of stronger and healthier bones. This combined with several natural nutrients that have the potential to facilitate better absorption of these nutrients, makes Onnit’s Stron Bone ideal for anyone who wants to improve their skeletal health. It works best when used as a part of Onnit’s Total Human Complete Supplement Pack – an intelligent blend of nutrients that gives your body what it needs, when it needs it.

STRONTIUM – Strontium is an element found in whole grains and fish and has similar chemical properties to calcium. Its uses as a dietary supplement stretches all the way back to 1890 and through that time its reputation for enhancing bone health has increased. It is believed to have the potential to aid in bone production, by turning on the genes that regulate the process (Nielsen, 2004). It is also believed to enhance our bones resistance to fracture, because it is believed to make our bones spongier and more elastic – thus making them less brittle and less likely to break (Dahl, 2001). These effects are exemplified by a double-blind placebo-controlled study, which found that strontium supplementation helped reduce bone damage.Strontium is the principle ingredient of Onnit’s Stron Bone, ensuring that takers of the supplement get access to this important nutrient. Stron Bone can be taken by itself, although many people find that their results improve, when they use it as part of Onnit’s Total Human Complete Supplement Pack.

VITAMIN K2 – Vitamin K2 is crucial to our overall health; however, it is difficult to get the right amount in a traditional Western diet – as it is generally found in things like soy, dark chicken meat and goose liver (Cockayne, 2006). This is problematic, because Vitamin K2 is believed to be a vital component of how the body utilizes calcium to promote healthy and strong bones (Cockayne, 2006), with limited research also suggesting that it may promote cardiovascular health. Various studies have shown that the higher a person’s Vitamin K intake is, the less likely they are to suffer from fractures (Cockayne, 2006). Onnit’s Stron Bone contains this important nutrient, ensuring that you get the Vitamin K that you need to strengthen your bones. Onnit’s Stron Bone can be taken as a standalone supplement, although many people find that the results are better, when it is used as part of Onnit’s Total Human Complete Supplement packs – a complex cocktail of nutrients that gives your body what it needs, when it needs it.

VITAMIN E – Vitamin E is associated with eye and skin health and is also believed to help strengthen our immune system (NHS, n.d.). Vitamin E is also believed to help reduce the effects that free radicals can have on our cells, helping to prevent damage to things like osteoblasts and osteocytes, while also reducing oxidative stress. Onnit’s Stron Bone contains a healthy amount of Vitamin E, ensuring that anyone who takes it will gain all the wonderful benefits that it bestows. It can be used as a standalone supplement, although many find better results when it is used as a part of Onnit’s Total Human Complete Supplement Packs.

POTASSIUM – Potassium is an electrolyte that helps to maintain our body’s chemical balance, helping to buffer certain acids and ensuring that we retain a healthy acid-alkaline level. This has the potential to lead to higher bone mineral densities, which may make your bones stronger and less open to damage (Dawson-Hughes, 2008 ). Potassium is also believed to help keep our blood pressure consistent, reducing the long-term risks of things like stokes and cardiovascular disease (Dawson-Hughes, 2008 ). Onnit’s Ston Bone contains the potassium that your body needs – it can be used as a standalone product, but we recommend that you take it as part of Onnit’s Total Human Complete Supplement Packs – a blend of nutrients that gives your body all the things that it needs at the right time.

COPPER – Copper is another essential nutrient that our body cannot create, meaning that it must either come from our diets or be supplemented. It is associated with a number of health benefits, including – potentially promoting good cardiovascular health, being potentially antioxidative and having the potential to decrease the chance of osteoporosis (Oregan State University, n.d.). Onnit’s Ston Bone contains a healthy dose of copper, ensuring that its takers get all the potential benefits that it bestows.

MANGANESE – Manganese is another crucial micro-nutrient that your body needs to function. It is linked to a variety of health benefits including helping in the production of enzymes and helping to strengthen and fortify bones against breakage and damage (Benevolenskaia, 2004). Onnit’s Stron Bone contains this crucial micro-nutrient, ensuring that your body can enjoy all the potential benefits that Manganese offers.

BORON – Boron is a trace mineral that is linked to the maintenance of healthy bones. It does this by helping your body to metabolise other important nutrients such as calcium, thus rather than being directly responsible for an increase in bone health, it facilitates the work of other nutrients (Naghii, 1993). Onnit’s Stron Bone contains this valuable facilitator, ensuring that your body has the potential to gain full benefit from all the other nutrients that it contains, it works well by itself, although many people find more success when they use it as part of Onnit’s Total Human Complete Supplement Packs.

BIOPERINE – Bioperine or black pepper extract, is an organic product that is believed to enhance the bioavailability of other nutrients. This ensures that Onnit’s Stron Bone, maximises the potential benefits of all the other nutrients that it contains.

Onnit’s Stron Bone 

Give yourself a solid foundation

Onnit’s Stron Bone is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their skeletal health – it contains a plethora of different nutrients that are believed to aid in things such as bone cell creation and repair, giving you the opportunity to perform better and be healthier. It works best when used as a part of Onnit’s Total Human Supplement Packs, an intelligent blend of nutrients that give your body what it needs at the time it needs it.


Benevolenskaia, T. N. (2004). Vitrum osteomag in prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: results of the comparative open multicenter trial. Ter Arkh. , 2004;76(11):88-93.

Cockayne, A. J.-N. (2006). Vitamin K and the prevention of fractures: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Intern Med. , Jun 26;166(12):1256-61.

Dahl. (2001). Incorporation and distribution of strontium in bone. Bone, Apr;28(4):446-53.

Dawson-Hughes, H. S. (2008 ). Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults. Am J Clin Nutr. , Mar;87(3):662-5.

Naghii, S. S. (1993). The role of boron in nutrition and metabolism. Prog Food Nutr Sci. , 1993 Oct-Dec;17(4):331-49.

NHS. (n.d.). Vitamin E. Retrieved from NHS:

Nielsen, P. (2004). The biological role of strontium. Bone, Sep;35(3):583-8.

Oregan State University. (n.d.). Copper. Retrieved from Micronutrient Information Center: