XBrain’s WaterDrop contains all natural ingredients that promote healthy fluid balance in the body. Many people, men and women included, can suffer with excess stored water for a number of reasons often referred to as edema. Edema or water retention can occur due to a high salt diet, sitting for long periods of time, taking certain medications, pregnancy, high blood pressure, food allergies and hormonal fluctuations. Other causes may include heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease. Body fluid retention can bring about bloating of the abdomen and/or swelling of the hands, fingers, feet, ankles, knees and eyes. This can bring about a very uncomfortable feeling including stiffness and difficulty moving. WaterDrop has been formulated with a number of botanicals that encourage the body’s natural elimination of stored water and waste by way of the kidneys.

XBrain’s WaterDrop contains alfalfa, Juniper berry, celery, dandelion leaf, kelp, Nettle leaf, parsley leaf, radish leaf and watercress. These botanicals all contribute to water weight loss in their own way as well as act synergistically together. WaterDrop goes well beyond helping you lose excess water weight by detoxifying the body as well, which supports even further water loss.

Alfalfa restores metabolic balance important for maintaining proper fluid balance and it contains minerals, vitamins and proteins that promote water loss by way of the kidneys. Juniper berry is a common component of many water weight-loss supplements. It is a powerful detoxifier and is known to treat bladder and kidney issues. Juniper berry’s diuretic properties are believed to be due to an essential oil it contains known as terpinene-4-ol. It also contains powerful antioxidants that aid in elimination of oxidative stress. Celery contains the right proportion of sodium and potassium which has the ability to stimulate urine production.

Dandelion is high in minerals and vitamins that assist the kidney in increasing urine output and is a popular diuretic component in a number of supplements. The seaweed, kelp, contains a number of salts that are known to detoxify the body as well as increase urine output while cleansing the kidneys.

Nettle is another botanical that is high in potassium and antioxidants that promotes water loss through the kidneys. It is often used as a supportive therapy for arthritis and kidney infections. Parsley is a natural diuretic that is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It also contains high concentrations of chlorophyll so it detoxifies the body as well, promoting water balance. Parsley promotes a healthy urinary tract.

Radish leaf is another natural diuretic that has high concentrations of vitamins and minerals that lowers the risk of kidney stone formation. Watercress is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals which facilitates potassium excretion by the kidneys generating an increase in urine output. Magnesium oxide is important for active transport of calcium and potassium across cell membranes. And last but not least, vitamin B6 has been added to further support increased urine production.

XBrain’s WaterDrop contains no excipients, gluten, wheat, lactose, added sugar, artificial additives or colorings or yeast. WaterDrop contains celery so if you’re allergic this product is not advised. The recommended daily dosage is 2 to 6 capsules with food and a large glass of water and WaterDrop should be taken with a low sodium diet.

Listed below are all the botanicals found in XBrain’s WaterDrop along with the bioactive components within each botanical and how these bioactive components work in the body. XBrain’s WaterDrop is contained within a vegetable cellulose capsule which is suitable for vegans.


Alfalfa – 85mg

Alfalfa is full of nutrients including antioxidants, chlorophyll, eight essential amino acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, silicon, sterols as well as vitamins A, D, B1, B6, E and K. Alfalfa also contains a number of enzymes important for digestion including amylase, coagulase, emulsin, invertase, lipase, pectinase, peroxidase and a number of proteases. Alfalfa aids in alkalizing and detoxifying the body particularly the liver. But, more importantly, it relieves fluid retention and swelling in tissues. It aids in regulating late or irregular menstruation cycles, relieves menopausal symptoms, cleanses the kidneys, aids in kidney stone removal and helps to maintain a healthy urinary tract (wards off urinary tract infections). Alfalfa’s ability to regulate menstruation is attributed to the estrogenic effects of some its components. This botanical’s diuretic properties come from its ability to improve metabolic imbalances which generate retention of water. It contains the amino acids arginine and asparagine along with magnesium, calcium and potassium, vitamin C and caffeic acids which are known to aid in excess water removal.

Juniper berry – 50mg

Juniper is believed to be a great detoxifier and often added to supplements to relieve water retention, edema and lymphatic and circulatory issues. It is considered to be a useful diuretic as well as has to ability to improve digestion, ease flatulence and stomach cramps all without causing loss of electrolytes. Traditionally, it has been used as a therapy to treat bladder and kidney problems.

Juniper berry’s diuretic properties are believed to come from the essential oils it contains. Much of which is attributed to terpinene-4-ol which has the ability to increase the filtration rate of the kidney.

Biochemically, these berries contain 2 percent volatile oil and 10 percent resin. The volatile oils are said to contain more than a hundred different components including monoterpenes. Some of the monoterpenes include alpha- and beta-pinene, myrcene, limonene, sabinene and the alcohol, terpinene-4-ol. Juniper berries also contain small amounts of antioxidants which include catechins, flavonoids and anthocyanidins.

Celery – 40mg

Celery has long been used as a diuretic. It contains high concentrations of potassium which is good for maintaining blood pressure. It also contains phthalide. Phthalide (3-n-butylphtalide) is a molecule which gives celery its unique smell and taste. Phthalide allows smooth muscle cells in blood vessels to dilate allowing for greater blood flow. This compound also reduces the production of stress hormones known as catecholamines. Catecholamines tend to constrict blood vessels which inhibits blood flow. Phthalide blocks the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase which is needed to produce stress hormones.

Even though celery is comprised of nearly 90 percent water, it contains the right combination of sodium and potassium that simulates urine production and aids in removing excess water gain.

Quite often, physicians will prescribe diuretics to reduce sodium levels. Unfortunately, these diuretics have a side effect of depleting potassium stores which your body needs. Although celery is high in sodium it has the right proportion of potassium for water elimination. In fact, celery has 1 part sodium to 3 parts potassium making it an excellent diuretic. It’s also high in fiber which promotes gastrointestinal health.

Dandelion leaf extract (4:1 – Equivalent to 160mg fresh dandelion leaf) – 40mg

Dandelion contains a number of compounds that promote health. Dandelion promotes liver and gallbladder health and is a natural diuretic. It aids in excess water removal and rids the body of toxins. It supports bile excretion (cholagogue) from the liver which aids in cholesterol reduction while increasing food digestion in the small intestine. Dandelion leaf is an excellent source of natural minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. It also provides vitamins A, Bs, C and D. Dandelion leaf also contains luteolin which is a powerful antioxidant.

Dandelion leaf promotes excretion of salts and water from the kidney making it an excellent diuretic.

If you take a look at diuretic supplements, you’ll notice that most of them contain some form of dandelion extract. Researchers at the Tai Sophia Institute in Maryland did a pilot study on dandelion extract. A number of volunteers were given dandelion extract for a two day period. Within 5 hours of extract administration, urine output increased significantly.

Kelp – 40mg

The brown algae, kelp, lives in the ocean and thrives on sunlight and takes nutrients from the salt water that surrounds it. Since the composition of our bodies is so similar to kelp (because we evolved from the oceans), kelp has many benefits for us.

Kelp provides high concentrations of iodine which we need to make thyroid hormone. Seaweed absorbs wastes in the body and carries them off. It also contains sodium alginate, which has been reported to bind radioactive strontium-90 in the intestines and carry it out of the body. Kelp is a good antioxidant, diuretic and endocrine tonic. It has been demonstrated to lower the rate of breast cancer, heart disease, infectious diseases and arthritis. It’s full of digestible protein, vitamins and more than 70 minerals including calcium, potassium, iodine and iron. The iron, potassium and calcium content make kelp a good aid for women during menstruation and pregnancy. The high mineral content of potassium and sodium promote water loss in the form of urine.

Consider that kelp contains 10 times more calcium than milk and 25 times more iron than beef.

Nettle leaf – 40mg

Nettle leaf is a powerhouse of nutrition. It contains vitamins B, C and E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, protein, fiber and antioxidants. Traditionally, nettle leaf has been used as a diuretic (high potassium content), astringent, blood builder (high iron content) and reduce excessive menstrual flow. It is reported to work on nosebleeds and hemorrhoids.

A few animal studies in Germany have demonstrated that administration of stinging nettle increased the excretion of chlorides and urea. In patients with heart problems or chronic venous insufficiency, administration of nettle leaf increased urine output. It is thought that nettle leaf’s high potassium and flavonoid content may be the major contributors to its diuretic action. In Germany, nettle leaf is used as a supportive therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and kidney infections.

Parsley leaf – 40mg

Traditionally, parsley is known as a powerful natural diuretic. It’s packed with vitamins A, Bs and C and puts carrots and oranges to shame. Parsley leaf contains high concentration of calcium and 20 times fore iron than liver not to mention high levels of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. It also contains high levels of chlorophyll to detox your system and freshen your breath. Parsley has been reported to ease muscle spasms such as spastic bladder (which many women experience), improve digestion and prevent flatulence. It cleanses the kidneys and detoxes the liver. Parsley has been known to remove kidney stones and heal urinary tract infections.

An animal study in 2002 and published in the Journal of Ethnophamacology, was able to confirm the diuretic effect of parsley seed. Rats were administered parsley seed tea to drink and over a twenty-four hour period, the rats increased their urine output significantly. The researchers believe that parsley (in this case the seed) works as a diuretic in that it is able to block the re-absorption of sodium and potassium which remains in the renal tubule. That means there is more water inside renal cells and less the tubule lumen which means water passes out of renal cells into the lumen by osmosis (pressure gradient) generating a larger volume of urine.

If you are so inclined, make a note that just about all greens will contain natural diuretic components. However, the recommended dose of greens is seven to nine green vegetables a day. You seriously might consider some form of supplementation.

Radish leaf – 40mg

Radish leaf is a diuretic which contains high concentrations of vitamins B1, B2 and C. It also contains appreciable amounts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, chromium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese and zinc. Radish leaf also contains glucosilinates (sinigrin), asparagine and resin.

The minerals in radish leaf are responsible for its diuretic effect and can lower the risk of kidney stone formation and strokes. Potassium allows for an increase in urine production by being excreted into the kidney tubule where excess water follows due to a osmotic pressure difference by passive diffusion. An increased production of urine helps to flush the kidney and urinary tract and keep then bacteria free.

Watercress – 40mg

Watercress makes an excellent multivitamin providing for many health benefits. It contains vitamins A, C, D, E, K and several B vitamins. Watercress contains fair amounts of iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and sulfur. Additionally it contains protein, glycosides, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber. In the past, it has been used to treat scurvy.

Since watercress contains high levels of potassium, it acts as a diuretic by facilitating the kidneys to excrete potassium which passively pulls water with it allowing for greater production of urine. It has also been reported to disintegrate kidney stones as well a bladder stones.

Magnesium oxide – 33mg

Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the body, however many people may be deficient in it. This mineral is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems and therefore regulates a number of biochemical reactions.

Magnesium is important for synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is also important for nerve and muscle function, blood sugar control and blood pressure regulation. It is required for energy production in the form of ATP during glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. It is important for bone structure and the synthesis of RNA and DNA as well as glutathione (a powerful antioxidant). Magnesium is also important for active transport of calcium and potassium across cell membranes.

Supplementing with magnesium helps to prevent a magnesium deficiency. XBrain’s WaterDrop adds magnesium to ensure you have adequate levels for calcium and potassium transport while shedding your unwanted water gain.

Vitamin B6 – 12mg

Vitamin B6 is a cofactor on a number of enzymes important to metabolic pathways. It comes in three related forms known as pyridoxine, pyridoxinal and pyridoxamine and they all work together. Since this vitamin is water soluble it is excreted from the body within 8 hours after you consume it. That means you need to replace it on a regular basis. Vitamin B6 has been reported to be good for premenstrual tension (water weight gain), depression and skin issues. B6 is also important for increasing antibody production which helps you fight off infections. It also supports thymus and spleen function. Last but not least, vitamin B6 is a safe, natural diuretic that aids in removing excess water and water-soluble wastes from the body as it carries water with it when excreted from the kidney.

Suggested Reading



Alfalfa Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts


A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Antihypertensive Effect of a Celery Extract in Mild to Moderate Hypertensive Patients





Clare BA, Conroy RS, Spelman K. The diuretic effect in human subjects of an extract of Taraxacum officinale folium over a single day.J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Aug;15(8):929-34.

Sweeney B, Vora M, Ulbricht C, Basch E. Evidence-based systematic review of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) by Natural Standard Research Collaboration. J Herb Pharmacother. 2005;5(1):79-93.

Pubmed.gov. “Diuretic effect and mechanism of action of parsley,” S.I. Kreydiyyeha and J. Usta. Journal of Ethnopharmacology March 2002; 7993): 353-7. http://science.naturalnews.com/pubmed/11849841.html

Pubmed.gov. “Effect of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) intake on urinary apigenin excretion, blood antioxidant enzymes and bio-markers for oxidative stress in human subjects,” S.E. Nielsen, et al. British Journal of Nutrition June 1999; 81(6): 447-55. http://science.naturalnews.com/pubmed/10615220.html

Herbal Legacy.com. “Parsley,” by Dr. John R. Christopher http://articles.herballegacy.com/parsley/

“Watercress Nutritional Analysis”. Southern Europe Fruits And Vegetables. Retrieved 28 May 2012.