XBrain™ Whey Protein is Low Heat Processed
It is important that your whey comes from grass-fed organic cows and has not been exposed to extreme temperatures or been exposed to acids during the isolation procedures. High temperatures and acid exposure alters protein structure destroying bioavailability and bioactivity. However, when whey is processed properly it is without a doubt THE SUPER FOOD and one of the most important supplements you can take to maintain or restore your health and promote lean muscle while your doing it.
XBrain™ Whey Protein concentrate comes from grass-fed organic cows and is processed at low temperatures briefly and then quickly cooled and it has not been chemically treated with acid. The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), immune factors, immunoglobulins and lactoferrin structures have been retained for maximal health benefit. This makes XBrain™ Whey Protein concentrate a superior product.Not long ago fresh liquid whey was available, however, liquid whey has a short life span and quickly becomes toxic due to bacterial growth. Although, liquid whey may be the best, it certainly isn’t convenient. With minimal treatment, whey can be rendered safe as a powder while maintaining all of the benefits available from fresh whey.
Major forms of Whey
Whey protein is isolated by pushing the liquid portion of milk (or cheese) through a filter. The whey protein material left on the filter is collected and then dried and forms a whey protein concentrate.Whey powder is currently available in three major forms based on the processing that has been done to it. Whey powder comes in a concentrate form (WPC), an isolate form (WPI) and a hydrolysate form (WPH).
Whey Powder Concentrates: This form of whey generally has the least amount of processing and contains a fair amount of fat and cholesterol relative to other forms of whey protein. It has higher levels of bioactive molecules and carbohydrates (lactose). The quality of the powder will vary depending on the actual processes used to generate the powder. Generally speaking, if the whey comes from grass-fed cows (expensive milk), the least amount of processing will be done simply because you want to maintain the high quality of the materials.
Whey Powder Isolates: This form of whey powder is a further processing of whey powder concentrate. The reason for this is to remove the fat and lactose. However, this product is lower in bioavailable and bioactive molecules simply because more of them have been denatured then the whey concentrate form. So, even though whey powder isolates contain more protein than whey concentrates, some of the proteins have been degraded.
Whey Powder Hydrolysates: These are whey protein isolates that have been predigested with enzymes and then partially hydrolyzed (split with water) providing for small polypeptides and amino acids that are is supposed to be absorbed faster since they require little to no digestion. However, more health promoting molecules have been destroyed. Due to all the processing, whey powder hydrolysates cost considerably more. It has been suggested that this form of whey may be less allergenic, however, high heat denatured whey has been reported to still cause allergies in some individuals.
Keep in mind that whey can be denatured by heat and most proteins are. Proteins are sensitive to heat and pH. Denaturing whey proteins can trigger hydrophobic interactions with other proteins which in turn forms a protein gel (like a protein clot) which becomes indigestible and not bioavailable. Protein gels can produce gas and bloating.
XBrain™ Whey Protein comes from raw milk cheese production from antibody-free and hormone-free cows. It is heated to 70 degrees C for 15 seconds and quickly cooled to 5 degrees C for the remaining process. This keeps XBrain™ Whey Protein concentrate proteins in tact including immune factors, immunoglobulins and lactoferrin to provide a high quality whey product to optimize health benefits.
Some Wheys Produce Bloating
Incomplete digestion can often lead to bloating and gas production. Bloating is a situation where you have a sense of fullness or pressure in the stomach. Essentially, gas can build up in the stomach and intestine that cannot pass out of the system by belching or flatulence hence an uncomfortable pressure feeling or sensation of bloating. Gas is common and can come from air that you swallow and the breakdown of undigested food (proteins and protein gels) by bacteria in the colon (large intestine). Protein has to be broken down into smaller polypeptides and amino acids in order to be absorbed and used by the body. Some protein shakes may contain more protein than the stomach and small intestine can break down. So, the undigested protein makes its way to the large intestine. Once the undigested protein is there, there are bacteria that have the capability of digesting the protein. The end result of this is that the bacteria produce a wide variety of gases from the protein metabolism such as hydrogen sulfide gas and methane gas generating bloating. If the whey powder has been high heat treated, it may contain protein gels (coagulated proteins or protein clots) that can’t be fully digested in the stomach and intestine and they end up in the large intestine and broken down by bacteria. The bacteria produce various gases from the protein metabolism again creating gas and bloating. Some protein powder products contain additives and fillers that can generate gas and hence bloating.
Whey Protein Powder Additives
Some whey powders contain additives and some more than others. Different whey products have different formulations because they are used for different purposes. At any rate there are additives such as artificial sweeteners, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers/stabilizers, anti-caking agents, flow agents, masking agents, gums, bulking ingredients and mono-sodium glutamate (MSG). Each one of the ingredients above plays a particular role and is often added (or not) depending on the quality of the raw materials used, processing requirements, product taste/texture, packaging and the cost of making the overall product. Shelf-life is another consideration in terms of additives and of course bulking agents make it look like your getting than you actually are. This makes it quite difficult figuring out what the marketing strategy is versus the science.
XBrain™ Whey Protein is not about marketing strategy but about the science. It has taken the best possible milk source (grass-fed organic cows) and used a simple processing system (low temperature) to maintain proper protein structure for the highest quality whey protein that has high bioavailability and bioactivity and should not cause the production of gas and bloating.
Advantages of Properly Processed Whey Powder
When the whey powder is properly processed at low temperature it has all the benefits of the globular proteins it has to offer. Whey protein contains beta lactoglobulin which is important for binding fat-soluble vitamins (such A, D and E) and making them highly bioavailable. The protein lactokinin is present and it is important for lowering high blood pressure (hypertension). Whey also contains immunoglobulins which are important for immunity by marking pathogens for destruction by the immune system. These immunoglobulins help boost the livers ability to produce these proteins further enhancing immune function but only if the protein is not denatured.
Whey powder contains glycomacropeptide which has been reported to bind to cholera and Rotaviruses. Additionally, whey powder contains lactoferrin which has many health benefits. Lactoferrin has been known to activate immune responses, inhibit the growth pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, tumors and fungi as well as reduce excess fat around the midriff. Lactoferrin also supports the growth of Bifidus bacteria (good bacteria) in the gut maintaining healthy colon function. As lactoferrin’s name suggests (ferri = iron, contains 2 bound Fe(+3) ions ) it regulates iron absorption and bioavailability. Much of lactoferrin’s properties come from its iron content.
Whether you’re a body builder or someone who uses whey protein as a healthy meal replacement to meet your protein needs, remember it is important to buy low temperature whey protein powder concentrates. The low temperature forms contain all the proteins whey has to give in globular form which are important for whole body health including detoxification, immune support and fat soluble vitamin absorption. A good quality whey should not generate gas production and bloating as well.
There is no doubt that whey protein is one of the most popular supplements used by athletes, body builders, health conscience people, and people convalescing. What every category you fall in, whey protein is a must have and should be a staple in your diet. If you are convalescing, it can help restore your health by strengthening your immune system, detoxifying your tissues, building lean muscle and providing energy. Whey protein itself has the highest digestibility, bioavailability and anabolic properties of all the natural foods. A high quality, low temperature processed whey concentrate such as XBrain™ Whey Protein can get you on your way to feeling great and living a healthy life style. XBrain™ Whey Protein concentrate from grass-fed organic cows contains all 9 essential acids and more plus all your branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), immune factors, immunoglobulins and lactoferrin.
Suggested Reading
Whey Protein
International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: protein and exercise
Whey Protein Concentrate: A Brief Summary
Resource Library – Milk Composition & Synthesis. (n.d.). Animal Sciences Classes. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from http://classes.ansci.illinois.edu/ansc438/m
Solutions, N. B. (n.d.). PRINCIPALS OF DAIRY CHEMISTRY. NEM Business Solutions Specialist in food industry CIP systems. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from http://www.cip.ukcentre.com/chem1.htm
Bishop, R. (n.d.). Dairy Proteins.Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board,. Retrieved March 31, 2013, from www.cdr.wisc.edu/programs/dairyingredie
Rodriguez NR, Vislocky LM, Gaine PC. Dietary protein, endurance exercise, and human skeletal-muscle protein turnover. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2007 Jan;10(1):40-5
Frestedt JL, Zenk JL, Kuskowski MA, Ward LS, Bastian ED. A whey-protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese subjects: a randomized human clinical study. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008 Mar 27;5:8. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-5-8. PubMed PMID: 18371214; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2289832.
Martin CJ, Robison R. The Minimum Nitrogen Expenditure of Man and the Biological value of various Proteins for Human Nutrition. Biochem J. 1922;16(3):407-47. PubMed PMID: 16743096; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1259089.
BV of Protein Sources. N.d. NA, Online. Cut and Jacked. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.
L-leucine availability regulates phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, p70 S6 kinase and glycogen synthase kinase-3 activity in L6 muscle cells: evidence for the involvement of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in the L-leucine-induced up-regulation of system A amino acid transport.